Little Known Facts About Pt 6 engine

Pt6 is a two-shaft engine with a multi-stage compressor, which is driven by the turbine. This engine has a flexible engine architecture and modular design, which makes it easy to install and maintain. It is a proven choice for high power applications, like commercial airlines, military tanks, jet aircraft, powerplants, and many more. It covers the power range between 500 to 1900 shaft horsepower. It is available in more than 70 models depending on different features. This engine family offers surpassed flexibility and capability for a variety of applications. Pt6 engine divided into 4 categories, such as Pt6A, Pt6B, Pt6C, and Pt6T. These engine family works on diverse energy levels and covers different power range. 1) Pt6A is one of the most popular engines, and it covers the power range between 580 and 1940 shaft horsepower. This engine family also considered the leader in the gas turbine engine market. It includes several models, which designed according to the l...